The Wartburg: famous scene of world history

The almost thousand year old Wartburg Castle is part of the UNESCO World Heritage. Here, history manifests itself as it does in no other place in Germany. Opulently decorated buildings and chambers bear impressive witness to medieval and romantic building and living culture.

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If you visit Eisenach, then the Wartburg will certainly be on your wish list

In its significance for German history, the Wartburg cannot be compared to any other single location. About 800 years ago, Saint Elisabeth of Thuringia lived in the castle.

Much more famous is of course the stay of Martin Luther. In the years 1521 and 1522, the church reformer hid as "Junker Jörg" on the Wartburg castle and translated here the New Testament of the Bible from the Greek original text in only eleven weeks. At the same time, he thereby created the foundation for the uniform German written language.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe visited the Wartburg several times after he first entered the castle in 1777.

300 years after Luther's attempt to put his theses on the gate of the castle church in Wittenberg, the Jenaer Urburschenschaft (Jena’s original student fraternity) invited to the first Wartburg festival here on 18 October 1817. All these events, which are closely linked to formative crossroads in German history, took place in the shadow of this proud castle near Eisenach. Already since the 19th century, the Wartburg has been considered a national monument for these reasons. So look forward to your visit to a unique scene of world history.

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