Thematic city tour: Martin Luther - Latin student and Junker Jörg

For three years, the young Martin Luther went to school in "...his dear city" of Eisenach and found friendly reception in the house of the Cottas. Under the alias "Junker Jörg" he should return. An exciting story, which you should not miss.

He had to earn his living with "Kurrendesingen" when the young Latin student Martin Luther arrived in Eisenach. A "...devout matron" – Mrs. Ursula Cotta – received him lovingly. Because of his "...singing and heartfelt prayer", the young man had made a good impression. The boy sang in the Georgenkirche, where he was to preach 20 years later as a famous but also persecuted man. Shortly afterwards, Frederick the Wise had him attacked in pretence and brought to the Wartburg. What reads like a novel is true history. Today you can still encounter it in exciting stories and get very close to the reformer at the Luther Memorial and in the Luther Room. We look forward to your visit.


Some short information

  • Duration: 1,5 hours

  • Price: 100€ (German)

  • Attendance: max. 30 persons

  • Price for additional hour: 35€ per hour (for all languages)

  • Price for a foreign language tour: 140€ (English)

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