A city tour in Eisenach in our own bus

Our guides will take you through the romantic historic old town and tell you about Bach, Luther, Goethe, Reuter and Wagner.

The tour through the charming historical old town leads to the Frauenplan with the Bach House, to the oldest market place with the Nikolaikirche and the Nikolaitor, to the market with the Georgenkirche, the City Palace and the Town Hall, as well as to the Luther House. If you drive to the Hohe Sonne on the Rennsteig, you will then have the opportunity to enjoy a great view of the Wartburg Castle within only a few minutes on foot.


Some short information

  • Duration: 1,5 hours

  • Price: 115€ (German)

  • Price: 150€ (English)

  • Price for additional Hour: 35€ per Hour

  • own bus is avaibable

  • Attendance: max. 50 persons depends on the bus

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